
Veza Schwörer

Tel: 030 29036081

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz 
Berlin Südwest gGmbH

Schützenstraße 10
12165 Berlin

Asylum Procedure Counselling

The offer of asylum procedure counselling is aimed at refugees in Berlin in the form of low-threshold individual case counselling. Asylum procedure counselling supports asylum seekers by providing information on the asylum procedure and legal counsel. The consultation is confidential and free of charge.

Advice on the asylum procedure includes

  • Information and counselling on applying for asylum
  • Information on the upcoming or ongoing asylum procedure
  • Explanation and counselling on allocation from the initial reception facilities of the Länder (federal states) to the municipalities
  • Information on the Dublin Regulation
  • Individual preparation for the asylum hearing at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and follow-up (examination of the transcript)
  • Explanation of the content and legal consequences of the positive/negative BAMF decision
  • Explanation of possible legal remedies against (partial) refusal
  • If necessary, assistance in writing a legal action/an application for interim legal protection to comply with the deadline
  • Explanation and counselling on revocation and return procedures under asylum law
  • Explanation and counselling on second and subsequent applications

If we are unable to meet counselling needs, we would be happy to refer you to other suitable services.

Make an appointment

Please make an appointment by writing an email to avb(at)drk-berlin.net. We also offer an appointment by phone on Mondays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The consultation will be held in German, English and Swedish. We also offer advice in all other languages. So that we can organise language mediators in good time, please let us know the desired consultation language when you request an appointment.

Information on the appointment

  • Please bring all important documents to the appointment for consultation, for example:
    • Documents from the BAMF, from the immigration office, from other authorities
    • Letters from lawyers
  • The consultation will take place on site at DRK Kiezoase (Schützenstr. 10, 12165 Berlin-Steglitz). Please come in person.

What we can't offer

  • The focus of the consultation is on the right of asylum. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to advise on purely residence-related questions, i.e. without reference to the asylum procedure.
  • If you are looking for counselling on purely residence-related questions, please contact Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer (MBE) and Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD). You can find a list for Berlin here. EU citizens are also advised there.
  • If you have any questions about naturalisation as well as residence and benefit rights for people who have been in Germany for a longer period of time, you can contact Migrationssozialdienste (MSD).